Yuj Foundation, since its conception in 2013 and inception in 2022, has been a beacon of knowledge, spreading the light of education to all corners of society. Our mission is not just to educate, but to awaken and transform lives through a wide spectrum of programs that span from the foundational teachings of life education to the intricate practices of self-improvement and spiritual growth through experiential learning.

Your contribution is crucial in realizing the vision set forth by our founders,—to create a world where education is not a privilege but a right accessible to all. Every donation, big or small, fuels these initiatives. It enables us to offer these services for free to those who can’t afford them, promoting equality in education and opportunity.

Your support helps us to maintain and expand our services, ensuring that the Yuj Foundation continues to be a hub of knowledge, empowerment, and transformation. Join us in this journey of education and enlightenment. Be the catalyst for change. Contribute to a legacy of learning, and help us to make the Gurukul system—a symbol of comprehensive and accessible education—a reality once again.

Donate Now and be a part of this transformative journey. Your support today can shape the minds and lives of tomorrow.


Kurukshetra, Haryana [Kainthala Kalan]
Gurugram, Haryana [Sadhrana]

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